Public and Private Speaking Engagements

Lars Jensen is a recognized thought leader on strategic developments in the liner shipping industry, and is often used as a speaker, moderator and conference chairman at international shipping conferences.
Additionally, Lars Jensen provides insights as well as strategic input at events, strategy sessions and board meetings arranged by private clients such as shipping lines, freight forwarders, investors, shipping associations, ports and terminals.
To enquire about arranging a speaking engagement click here to send an email.
Meet Lars Jensen at the following future public speaking engagements:
Informa Webinar: "A lesson in agility", Online webinar, June 25, 2020
CBS Webinar: "Where next for global shipping?", July 3, 2020
Caribbean Shipping Annual General Meeting, Puerto Rico, September 27-30, 2020
Smart Maritime Network, Copenhagen, October 7, 2020
Moderator, Panel: "The Digital Leaders Panel: Accelerating Digital Adoption"
WACO Meeting, Santiago, Chile, October 11-14, 2020
Key Note Speaker
Examples of recent public speaking engagements:
IANA Intermodal Expo, Long Beach, USA, September 13-15, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19
TOC Webinar, live webstreaming, May 26, 2020
Speaker: "Adjusting to the ‘New’ New Normal: The Impact of COVID-19"
Propeller Club Northern California, Online webcast, May 12, 2020
"Container Shipping 2020"
South Carolina Trade Conference, Charleston USA, Oct 19-20, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Caribbean Shipping Executive Conference, St. Lucia, May 25-26, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Global Liner Shipping, Hamburg, Germany, May 11-13, 2020
Chairman pre-conference:"Building the Sustainable Supply Chain: The roadmap for 2020"
Cancelled due to COVID-19
WACO Meeting, Nice, France, April 20-22, 2020
Key Note Speaker
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Container Terminal Automation Conference, London, March 24-25, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19: held as webconference instead
Shipping Transformation Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 11-12, 2020
Keynote speaker: "What is Now and What is in the Future"
TPM 2020, Long Beach, USA, March 1-4, 2020
Speaker and session chair: "Will Technology Transform Spot Ocean Pricing and the Market Overall?"
Speaker: "Lunch with speaker"
Cancelled due to COVID-19: held as webconference instead
Training course: "Intelligent Container Shipping"
Singapore, November 20-21
Training course: "Liner Shipping – Modelling, Strategy and Profitability"
Singapore, November 18-19
Smart Digital Ports, Rotterdam, November 4-6 2019
Panel speaker, "Emerging business models for ports"
Kormarine, Busan, South Korea, October 22-25, 2019
Speaker: "The Digital Shift – How to Manage It"
WACO Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, October 14-15, 2019
Key Note Speaker
Global Liner Shipping Asia Conference 2019, Singapore, September 18-19, 2019
Conference Chairman
IANA Intermodal Expo, Long Beach, USA, September 15-17, 2019
Panellist: "Inside Intermodal: Where we are and where we are going"
Session moderator: "IMO 2020: The impact on North American import volumes"
TOC Europe, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 18-20, 2019
Speaker at Container Supply Chain Conference
Global Liner Shipping Conference 2019, Hamburg, Germany, May 13-15
Conference Chairman
Speaker: "Market Outlook: A closer look at short sea shipping and compliance driven route optimisation"
WACO Annual General Meeting, Cyprus, April 1-3
Key Note Speaker: "Digitalisation, a source of competitive advantage, not just cost-reduction"
Shipping 2030 Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 20-21
Conference Chairman day 2
TPM 2019, Long Beach, US, March 3-6, 2019
Lloyds List containers outlook webinar
Online, 18 January 2019
Global Liner Shipping Middle East, November 27-28 2018, Dubai
Conference chairman
Speaker: "Market Outlook, Looking at Supply – Demand Dynamics Over the Upcoming 18-24 Months"
Kormarine, " Industry Trends for Shipbuilding Equipment", November 21, Busan, South Korea
Keynote Speaker: "Longer term trends - how to survive and thrive"
ECOPRODIGI Seminar "Heading towards digital and eco-efficient shipping in the Baltic Sea region", November 20, Copenhagen
Keynote speaker "Shipping industry facing digitalisation and eco-efficiency challenge – how to succeed?"
MDC Event "Cyber security - threat landscape, trends and employee awareness", 1 Nov, Copenhagen
Event moderator
South Carolina International Trade Conference, October 29-31 2018, Charleston, USA
Speaker: "The Outlook for Global Container Shipping"
Smart Ports & Supply Chain Technologies Conference, October 2-3, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Speaker: "Prioritising Supply Chain Logistics: Total E2E Intermodal Planning Processes"
Global Liner Shipping Asia, September 25-26 2018, Singapore
Conference chairman
Speaker: "Supply and Demand Dynamics and Likely Fluctuations Over the Next 18-24 Months?"
IANA's Intermodal EXPO 2018, September 17-18, Long Beach, USA
Panelist at the Opening General session: Intermodal Freightcast
Panelist at the Session: "Hacked! Cyberthreats to Intermodal"
BIMCO cyber security seminar, September 11th 2018, Copenhagen
Speaker: "Cyber Security threats, examples to learn from"
TOC Europe 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 12-14 2018
Speaker: "Shipping & Port Watch 2018"
Global Liner Shipping 2018, May 15th-16th 2018, Hamburg, Germany
Speaker: "What is the Actual Status on Supply and Demand and How Will It Develop Over the Next 18-24 Months?"
Speaker: "Liner Shipping Consolidation...To Be Continued?"
Ports 4.0: Diverse. Dynamic. Digitized, May 17th, Tallinn, Estonia
Speaker: "Are we ready? – The maritime sector’s state of preparation for the digital era"
Alandia Marine Insurance Seminar, Mariehamn, Åland Islands, May 24th 2018
Speaker: "Maritime Cyber Risks - Where should we focus?"
Shipping 2030 Europe, March 21-23, Copenhagen, Denmark
Moderator "Instilling a digital culture into shipping", "Collaboration - the big discussion"
Panelist: "Cyber security in the maritime industry"
Container Terminal Automation Conference, March 14-15th, London, UK
Speaker "The next stage of digitization and automation"
CBS Maritime, Launching the Maritime Research Alliance, Copenhagen, Denmark, Feb. 5th
Keynote speaker: "Opportunities and Cross Disciplinary Research"
TPM 2018, Long Beach, US, March 7th 2018
Lunch with speaker: "Bold and Clear predictions"
JOC Port Performance North America, Newark, US, December 13th 2017
Keynote speaker: "Cyber Security: Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst"
Flows Events, Container Trends 2018, Antwerp, Belgium 7 November 2017
Keynote speaker
CBS Executive Course, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 9th-10th 2017
Course director: "Maritime Cyber Security and Big Data"
Kalmar Automation Event, Tampere, Finland, September 13th-14th 2017
Keynote speaker: "The transformation of liner shipping"
Cyber risk i shippingbranchen, September 11th 2017
Panel speaker
Bringing Cyber Security in the Forefront of Maritime Industry, September 21st 2017
Panel speaker
Global Liner Shipping Asia, Singapore, September 5th-6th 2017
Conference Chairman
Terminal Operators Conference (TOC) Europe 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 27th-29th 2017
Key panel speaker: "The new global economy - scenarios and strategies for the future of world container trade"
Key Panel speaker: "The digitalization debate"
Global Liner Shipping 2017, Hamburg, Germany, May 17th 2017
Key speaker in the session "Liner Shipping 2025 - How to emerge victorious?"
Maritime Development Center, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18th 2017
Key speaker in the session "Liner Shipping 2025
Port Technology, Terminal Automation and Training, London, England, April 19-20th 2017
Key panel speaker: "The Industry today: A macro perspective"
Key panel speaker: "Expectations of automation"
Danish-EU-US Maritime Networking Day, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 10th 2017
Key panel speaker: "Liner Shipping in 2025: What will it take to survive and thrive?"
Moderator: "“Smart Ports, Smart Shipping - Digitalisation of the Industry"
Cybersecurity for the Maritime & Logistics Sectors, Panama, March 23rd-24th 2017
Key Panel speaker: "Cyber risks in the maritime sector"
TPM 2017, Long Beach, USA, February 28th 2017
Workshop Leader in the session "Liner Shipping in 2025: What will it take to survive and thrive?"
The workshop was followed by a booksigning session
TPM 2017, Long Beach, USA, February 27th 2017
Panelist in the session "Maersk's new direction: What it means for customers and the industry"
Kalmar Automation Event, London, England, January 2017
Key speaker: "Trends in the logistics chain. Towards 2025"
Terminal Operators Conference (TOC) Middle East 2016, Dubai, UAE, December 2016
Key speaker: "The Emergence of Iran"
Terminal Operators Conference (TOC) Middle East 2016, Dubai, UAE, December 2016
Key speaker: "Implications of the maritime world of IoT and Big Data"
ShippingWatch/Blue MBA maritime conference, Singapore, November 2016
Key speaker: "Maritime Cyber Security - what should we do?"
Baltic Ports Conference, Helsinki, Finalnd, September 2016
Key speaker: "Container market developments and dynamics. Global changes and global disruptions"
South Carolina International Trade Conference, Charleston, USA, September 2016
Key speaker: "Container market developments and dynamics. Global changes and global disruptions"
Terminal Operators Conference (TOC) Europe 2016, Hamburg, Germany, June 2016
Key speaker: "Maritime Cyber Security"
Global Liner Shipping 2016, London, England, April 2016
Key speaker: "The mixed fortunes of low bunker prices"
The Box, Oslo, Norway, April 2016
Key speaker: "Deep Sea Shipping at a cross roads"
Maritime Business Opportunity Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, April 2016
Key speaker: "From global shipping market forecasts and opportunities to own start-up experience"
Flows, Container Trends 2016, Antwerp, Belgium, February 2016
Key speaker: "Maritime Cyber Risks – What is real, what is fiction?"
Terminal Operators Conference (TOC) Middle East 2015, Dubai, UAE, December 2016
Key speaker: "Maritime Cyber Risks and Resilience – What is real, what is fiction?"
Terminal Operators Conference (TOC) Middle East 2015, Dubai, UAE, December 2016
Key speaker: "Emerging Markets"
Terminal Operators Conference (TOC) Middle East 2015, Dubai, UAE, December 2016
Key speaker: "Dubai as global maritime hub"
Danish Maritime Days, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2015
Key speaker: "Radical changes needed in maritime company culture"
Danish Maritime Days, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2015
Key speaker: "Strategic challenges to the maritime business models in the coming 10 years"
European Shortsea Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2015
Key speaker: "Container market developments and dynamics. Global changes and global disruptions"
Global Liner Shipping 2015, Hamburg, Germany, April 2015
Key speaker: "Bunker price versus slow steaming"
TPM 2015, Long Beach, USA, March 2015
Key speaker: "Maritime Cyber Risks – What is real, what is fiction?"
Flows, Container Trends 2015, Antwerp, Belgium, November 2014
Key speaker: "Container Market Trends"
Caribbean Shipping Association, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, October 2014
Key speaker: "Looking forward. The next 50 years in container shipping"
South Carolina International Trade Conference, Charleston, USA, September 2014
Key speaker: "Container Industry Update - The game intensifies"
Ship and Offshore Innovations, Cyprus, May 2014
Key speaker: "Container shipping innovation - symbiosis of business model and technology"
Big Leap, Cartagena, Colombia, April 2014
Key speaker: "Looking forward. The formative years for container shipping"
TPM 2014, Long Beach, USA, March 2014
Key speaker: "Dawn of Mega-Alliances. Who benefits?"